I am currently in the process of adding back in the Etehfowr Against story mode. Currently I plan for there to be up to 6 missions (or chapters?) with some more story stuff. The majority of the work may need to be focused around fixing enemy UI and adding a progression system of sorts.
The first level will start on The Moon, (which was where the secret fight in the original game took place) all the way to the final level which takes place around Manhattan.
Majormel is the main character of this story, and I've wanted to get back to the world of Etehfowr Against for a good while now. This story mode would be considered like a "remix". I am essentially making a new game out of old assets. There may be a couple new stages and there's ideas to add in boss characters as well (I'm thinking it'll most likely be 3 boss characters).
The majority of the work will most likely be around the 3 new bosses and balancing of mechanics. I'm looking to make this playable on browsers as well.
welcome to the year 2001.