Recently I've been thinking about how best to distribute Etehfowr Against.
I'm making some pretty sufficent progress on the game and now I'm finally adding the final 3 characters.
Last year I would say around late june 2019 is when the game started to actually take shape in what it's turned into now. Alongside that, I started going to physical events in the NYC game dev community to show off the game and to make new friends. People liked the game and liked the concept. Of course there were some bumps along the road, but that's something that understandably happens.

(how the game looked like around september of 2019)
When the coronavirus hit, all in-person events in NY came to a halt. With no way for me to show off the game in person, I had to resort to showing it off online. I was really nervous about this. cuz
- No one wants to download a game just to try it out. unless the game is some form of complete package
- it's really hard to get people to look at it! Physical spaces made it easier for me to get people to play it and I've never been good at the whole internet presence thing at all.
the past month I got to join a discord that was holding a virtual expo. It was cool because some people would just look at my game being streamed in the VC and some asked questions. Also my friends were cool enough to show up and support me showing off the game. Even better, I linked the game to my page and that day 15 people viewed the page. I think roughly 200 people were in the discord and most of em were there to play in league/smash/CoD tournaments so I'm pretty content with the numbers. however, there's a underlying problem..

people weren't downloading it. There was one download that day, but it was from a friend who complained about the character select menu being confusing to navigate(so it got changed to the one you see in the image up there^)
Virtual expos worked well to get eyes on a game but it didnt work in getting people to play it and test it out.
I started trying to think of a way that people can play the game without having to download it so It makes sense to have it being played through Parsec. It's a service that allows the host to stream their game to a client, so that way the client doesnt have to download the game. I havent been able to try out this tactic yet but hopefully it'll bring some moderate form of success.
This also brings up the question of the game's Downloadable Nature. I think people will easily digest a game that is on the web or one they dont have to download. When i started working on this game seriously, I felt that the game must be presented as a form of "Digital Graffiti" . Graffiti is a work of art. Graffiti is made for public consumption, but you dont have to go out of your way to appreciate it. I decided I'm going to release this game primarily through the web, starting here on NG first.
there will still be a downloadable release but I'm still a little up in the air on what else that'll provide/offer for people who WANT to download the game and take up their HDD/SSD. The browser version is going to focus more on the 2v2 aspect but this may mean i might have to look at the controls again to see how people can comfortably play on the same browser/keyboard.