so...ever since i joined new grounds,i've really came to love this place....NG is like my new addiction lol.
BUT, I've only wanted to make games and some art so i got a few ideas coming up..
I wanna start working on games and since a 4 day weekend is coming soon,I might get a perfect start,
I've made some sprites that looks quite like a chibi 8 bit characters,i plan to work on the HUD later. I hope you understand...
It's a old school wizardry-like dungeon crawler,except I want it to be a super hyped up game of insane!!!
I don't have a name for it yet,but its gonna be fun!
i wanna start working on art as well, and I cant wait for that too!Expect some 8bit stuff.
I would like to hear a few comments !!!!
I design games too(mainly exe file games on gamemaker.) If you need any help with sprits and stuff, you send me a pm.
ps. Are you making a flash game?
im using stencyl at teh moment :P
still i would like to make some flash games but i dont really have teh knowledge.
ill check out gamemaker later and i hope i like it.again thanks for the help. :D