So I'm finally starting development of my flash game, thingy.I've only done the sprites for it (not every sprite) and I start developing tomorrow. My awesome friend,
LULZ64 will be helping out with a few things. He might be doing additional art, but that's just something that's still up in the air now.
Life has been pretty crazy, and I mean CRAZY. Everyone at school thought I was dead. This is what happens when you ditch school for a week. Not only that, I lied and said I got in a car accident.SHEESH, I'm screwed. People felt bad for me and stuff, so it's cool. I think my problem with school is attendance. Last year was alright, but now, I go to a school really close to home, so what's the point? I'm really ashamed of my self. Not only that, Finals are coming up........ass.
Kewl a game! I wanna play it soon! :D
in 4 months..... I think.