Yeah, this game is on the list of " have to update daily". Surprised how it isn't blammed yet.
I guess it's time to work on some other stuff... like the stencyl jam 2012!!!!! Yeah, I'm joining up to compete. It's gonna be a awesome game and I can't wait to see what others have in store. I wanted to join for two reasons:
- da money
- Competitions in newgrounds are always fun.
I think that's what I like about newgrounds. When you first submit something to the portal, you get a feeling to help other people out and get more into the portal.
Good luck to those participating in the stencyl jam.
EDIT: Developing this game is such a pain. I don't even know what I want to do with it anymore.
Like seriously, I really don't know if I want it to be a interactive screensaver, beat em up, or whatever it is. Every time I get into stencyl, I'm not doing any progress. It took me at least two weeks to work on one level. I really think I need to look at it and figure out what I want to do with it. I'm also working on a crappy computer and it just loves to freeze.
Edit: I'm feeling a bit optimistic now, more.... happy.
Cool game, but you will get better soon really good, anyways here is my new sprite sheet i changed his look tell me what you think? <a href=""></a>
looks better.